Birthday Bunnies!

Are you looking for something special and different to celebrate your child's birthday this year? Give your Birthday Bunny the opportunity to make, bake and decorate delicious and colourful food with their friends.
Are you looking for an extra special way to celebrate an extra special day? Then how about a fabulously fun and terrifically tasty baking birthday party?! Suitable for ages 4 to 13, together we make bake and decorate to our hearts content!
Parties are for up to 8 bakers and last 2 to 2 1/2 hours. The party package includes invites, baked treat and drink half-way through, party tea, foodie party games, a gift box for bakes to take home and of course the star of the show- making, baking and decorating two party bakes!
We have a wide range of themes available including...
- Woodland Animals!
- Rainbows Delights!
- Lego-tastic!
- Magical Unicorn Fun!
- Super Superheroes!
- Barbie Fun!
- Under the sea/Little Mermaid themed
- Butterfly!
- Pretty Princesses!
- Frozen Fun!
- Harry Potter- welcome to the Hogwarts Kitchen!
- Roarsome Dinosaurs!
Coming soon... Paw Patrol and Mini Beast Magic!
Shorter options are available for younger Bakers, just ask! (Please note- parties of children in years 3 and above are drop off- up to 4 adults are welcome to stay, whilst parties for children in reception to year 2 are stay and bake parties).
Further optional extras include birthday cake, birthday cupcakes or biscuits and party favours (baking jars, personalised biscuits
Do get in touch to find and more and check availability, thank you.
1. Woodland Animals!
A colourful celebration! Birthday Bunnies will celebrate by making colourful and delicious home-made pizza and rainbow cupcakes or rainbow cookies!
5. Super Superheroes!
Are you a super hero in disguise?! Come along to bake with a whizz, pop and a bang at our Superhero inspired baking party! Super hero cupcakes or cookie pops and pizzas with a pow! .
9. Princess Party!
Time for princess dresses as we bake princess biscuits or cupcakes and tiara we prepare for a royal feast!
2.Somewhere over the rainbow!
A colourful celebration! Birthday Bunnies will celebrate by making colourful and delicious home-made pizza and rainbow cupcakes or rainbow cookies!
6. Barbie Fun!
Hey Barbies! Come and bake in pink, pink, pink! Choose from barbie doughnuts, barbie cupcakes or barbie biscuits!
10. Frozen Fun!
Calling all Frozen Fans! Snowflake pizzas and frozen inspired biscuits or cupcakes make this birthday in Arendelle one to treasure!
3 Lego..tastic!
For the builders and lego lovers out there, this is for you! We'll be making delicious Lego Pizza Bites and colourful Lego biscuits or cupcakes!
7. Under the sea!/ Little Mermaid Party!
A mer-mazing party making mermaid tail pizzas and mermaid cupcakes, madeleine seashells or marbled name biscuits! It's sure to make a splash!
11. Hogwarts Magic!
Off to Hogwarts kitchen we go to make delicious Hedwig Cupcakes and Sorting Hat Pizzas! Muggles welcome!
4 Unicorn Tastic!
A magical birthday celebration making unicorn cupcakes and unicorn biscuits!
8. Flutterby Butterfly!
A partry for those nature lovers. In this special butterfly filled party we make colourful butterfly pizzas and beautiful butterfly cupcakes.
12. Roarsome Dinosaur Fun!
This party has bite! Making Roarsome dinosaur cupcakes and dino egg giant cookies (or giant dino egg pizzas!)'ll enjoy it more than a delicious-o-saurus!

Give your Party Bunnies the opportunity to spark a passion for cooking and a love of good food to last a lifetime. We can't wait to meet your Party Bunnies! Email or call 07763680774 to enquire about availability. Thank you.
We are Little Bunny Bakers, come on, let's bake!